
Showing posts with the label antivirus benefits


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


The Internet can be a dangerous place to surf without proper antivirus software protection. There are many types of threats on the Internet and users who are not prepared will soon run into many problems. These threats not only affect your browsing experience, but also the health of your computer. Viruses and malware can seriously affect the health of your computer until it becomes practically inoperable and you cannot do anything on that computer. As mentioned above, all computers need protection. The situation is even more delicate in educational settings where one institution is responsible for many computers. Threats affect not only the computers that are under the care of teachers and supervisors, but also the personal computers of students. It is up to the staff of that institution to make sure that everything that students are exposed to is safe. To do this, schools and educational institutions try to find deals and offers from third-party antivirus vendors to protect all c


When we mention computer security , the virus is that the main threat. It can destroy one program or the whole computing system instead. Today there's a good sort of sorts of computer viruses. In fact, 57% of the threats that affect the safety of computers and systems are viruses. Types of computer viruses and their scope Today, the various sorts of computer viruses are still very widespread, affecting the performance of computers. Viruses also are hacker tools to realize unauthorized access to systems and steal sensitive information. Knowing the various sorts of computer viruses which will affect business systems is that the initiative in ensuring effective protection. Thus, the foremost common include the following: Resident virus: Resident viruses occupy RAM. They will interfere with normal system operation, causing file and program corruption. Multipartite virus: This sort of virus can easily spread on the PC system. It's very contagious and performs unauthorize


ANTIVIRUS Today we are connected to the internet throughout the day and we totally depend on it for our communications. Messages, chats, searches, email inquiries, in some cases even phone calls. If just a few years ago we only had access from our homes, today it has spread to our smartphones or even to many public places (shopping centers, restaurants, outdoor areas). But, although the advantages offered by having internet access are infinite, we must also be aware that it can generate some problems, the main one being viruses, Trojans or spywares, among others. To prevent them from "sneaking" into our devices and causing us significant damage, today we are going to talk about why it is important to have an antivirus, not only on our computer, but on any device with which we surf the internet.   Why install an antivirus? A virus can get inside our device without our realizing it, since not only by avoiding "malicious" pages we are safe from them. They ca

The importance of installing an antivirus on any operating system

The Internet has become another "world", which anyone can access anywhere on the planet and from a large number of devices. This is very useful, since you can find practically any type of information and you can work with a computer or electronic device, but although everything is very wonderful, there are risks, and as we mentioned before, it is a kind of world, where information lives, and as in the real world, where we are exposed to crime, it happens in this cyber space. From here we start with the term computer security , that like a person, information is susceptible to theft, modification and deletion, so the necessary precautions for its handling and storage must be taken into account. Every day new techniques and programs emerge that threaten the safety of the user, attacking the most valuable thing, their information. This is why the main thing to avoid computer attacks is the use of software that helps us detect malicious pages, programs or codes that intend to

Everything you should take into account before buying or installing an antivirus

Whenever we surf the net we run the risk of being the victim of some kind of security attack. There are many types of malware that can compromise our system and ultimately affect our security and privacy as well. Luckily we can also have multiple tools to help us protect ourselves. There are many types, both free and paid. Without a doubt, something very important is having a good antivirus . In this article we are going to talk about it. We are going to explain everything that must be taken into account when installing or buying an antivirus . The importance of having an antivirus Having an antivirus is essential to protect our systems. It is a very useful tool to detect possible malware that tries to enter our computer, as well as analyze and eliminate any that may already exist. Keep in mind that no operating system  is  exempt from some of the many threats that exist on the network. It does not matter what type of device we are using. You always have to have security software and,

Advantages and Disadvantages of computer viruses

Antivirus are very helpful and a must for devices as it fight against the viruses and keep your device in healthy condition. But as every thing has few disadvantages too so antivirus also have few. Let's look at its advantages and disadvantages of antiviruses: Advantage 1- Great detection of polymorphic or unknown viruses 2- Great Protection Guaranteed  3- Great ease of use  4- Good Appearance  5- Real-time protection against viruses  6- Easy to update the virus database for better protection  7- Delete everything easily  8- It is easy to install  9- The analysis is very fast  10- It consumes very few resources  11- Fast, efficient, configurable  12- It is very light  13- Good Heuristic  14- Easy use  15- Easy Installation Disadvantages  1- It uses a lot of resources and makes the pc slow. 2- It is slow when scanning. 3- It is suitable for computers that have at least 512 RAM memory. 4- The connection, search and protection options are very reduced and limited, forcing to have to

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