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An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


When we mention computer security , the virus is that the main threat. It can destroy one program or the whole computing system instead. Today there's a good sort of sorts of computer viruses. In fact, 57% of the threats that affect the safety of computers and systems are viruses. Types of computer viruses and their scope Today, the various sorts of computer viruses are still very widespread, affecting the performance of computers. Viruses also are hacker tools to realize unauthorized access to systems and steal sensitive information. Knowing the various sorts of computer viruses which will affect business systems is that the initiative in ensuring effective protection. Thus, the foremost common include the following: Resident virus: Resident viruses occupy RAM. They will interfere with normal system operation, causing file and program corruption. Multipartite virus: This sort of virus can easily spread on the PC system. It's very contagious and performs unauthorize


There are more and more people dedicated to violating websites, email accounts, accounts of different platforms such as Facebook and finally. The security that we must have in all our actions on the Internet must be considered vital so that our projects, accounts and especially our personal data are not affected. This time practical but very useful advice when it comes to safely browsing the Internet 10 GOLDEN RULES OF INTERNET SAFETY Remember that when browsing the web or using online services, security is essential to protect our data and avoid the theft of information or major problems. RULE 1: YOU NEED TO USE A VPN OR PROXY TO BROWSE ANONYMOUSLY If we do not want to leave our mark on the Internet, one of the safest ways is through a virtual private network or through a proxy server that acts as an intermediary in communication with the website we visit. RULE 2: DO NOT SHARE OUR BANK DETAILS Many computer attackers see the perfect loot in your bank details, so it is nec

Ransomware & it's type

WHAT IS RANSOMWARE AND HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IT Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks and makes you stop being able to use your computer, and asks you for a reward in exchange for the promise that many times is not kept to give you back control. It is a type of threat that you will see periodically reappear in the media due to attacks on large companies, but as it can also affect users, we are going to explain what exactly Ransomware is so that you can be vigilant and prevent it from affecting you. For this second, we are also going to give you tips to learn how to protect yourself from it, both with precautionary measures with which to try to avoid being infected and with a series of tips to minimize the damage in the event that it ends up affecting you. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that is known as malicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer or information system without the consent of its owner. Malware can take sever


As you may already know, phishing is a technique that consists of tricking the user into stealing confidential information, access codes, etc., making him believe that he is on a completely trustworthy site. Until now, hackers have used emails to launch these types of attacks, but with the massive use of social networks and smartphones with an Internet connection, the avenues of attack are multiplying. These emails or messages include a link that takes the user to a website that is theoretically known, but is a copy of the original where confidential information is requested. In this way, overly trusting users who do not have adequate antivirus protection could be involved in this type of attack whose main objective is to steal personal data. With the economic crisis, phishing attacks have proliferated that are hooked on the promise of a great job or an easy way to get money.   Now, the most important and frequently asked question arises that is how to stay safe from this

The importance of installing an antivirus on any operating system

The Internet has become another "world", which anyone can access anywhere on the planet and from a large number of devices. This is very useful, since you can find practically any type of information and you can work with a computer or electronic device, but although everything is very wonderful, there are risks, and as we mentioned before, it is a kind of world, where information lives, and as in the real world, where we are exposed to crime, it happens in this cyber space. From here we start with the term computer security , that like a person, information is susceptible to theft, modification and deletion, so the necessary precautions for its handling and storage must be taken into account. Every day new techniques and programs emerge that threaten the safety of the user, attacking the most valuable thing, their information. This is why the main thing to avoid computer attacks is the use of software that helps us detect malicious pages, programs or codes that intend to


The transformation Digital introduces new processes in organizations and new technologies, focusing particularly on the importance of data as a corporate asset and the need to ensure their safety. In a context of growing digitalization of business processes, in which the use of an ever-increasing number of applications is increasing to ensure the availability of data and services to users, it is important to ask the following questions: 1.     How much does each stop to business continuity cost in the company? 2.     How long does it take to restore data in the event of a business system down? 3.     How much does each disservice affect the quality offered to the customer?  th  Data is the largest source of wealth for a company. In fact, important information such as management data, analysis, customer data, reports and much more is saved within the IT infrastructure, so it is easy to understand how the risk of data loss is to be considered a potential economic damage. Data s


  What is spyware? Spyware although it sounds like a James Bond contraption, it is actually a generic term for malicious software that infects your computer or mobile device and collects information about you, your browsing and your regular Internet use, as well as other data. . The result is not surprising, since spyware works stealthily by making its way onto your computer without your being aware or allowing it: it attaches itself to your operating system in such a way that its presence on the infected computer is assured. You may have inadvertently allowed spyware to install itself automatically by agreeing to the terms and conditions of a harmless-looking program you downloaded without reading the fine print. Regardless of how it invades your computer, spyware runs silently in the background, collecting information or monitoring your activity to carry out malicious actions that affect your computer and its use. This includes logging screenshots, keystrokes, authentication cr

Cybersecurity Protection

  Cybersecurity Protection 2020 is being a difficult year. As Mexico grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, citizens are also facing dangerous viruses and computer attacks that are spreading rapidly across the Internet. The human virus has led to an unprecedented growth in telecommuting, e-commerce and online learning. Unfortunately, this has also exposed citizens and businesses to a higher risk of cyberattacks. In the first 9 months of 2020, Internet users in homes across Latin America suffered more than 20.5 million cyberattacks. Brazil and Mexico suffered the highest number of attacks. However, Argentina and Colombia have the highest "hazard coefficient," a term coined to represent the probability that an Internet user will become a victim of cybercrime. However, recent research on consumers shows that growing cyber threats also create a new business opportunity for telecommunications companies in Mexico. Allot recently commissioned Coleman Parkes Research to conduct a sur

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