
Showing posts with the label antivirus software


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


Both firewall and antivirus software are security mechanisms designed to protect your system. A firewall is a low-level network security system designed to protect your system and network from malicious damage. Antivirus, on the other hand, is a software utility program designed to protect your computer from insider threats like viruses, malware, spyware, etc. The purpose of a firewall is to restrict any unauthorized access to the system by monitoring network traffic inside and outside the system. It inspects the flow of data from the Internet to the system to decide which should be allowed and which should be restricted. The purpose of an antivirus program is to detect, scan, prevent, and remove harmful programs that can compromise your computer. Typically, a firewall works at the network protocol level to protect public and private networks from unwanted intrusions. Setting up a firewall has its benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. It can only prevent unauthorized access betwe


The Internet can be a dangerous place to surf without proper antivirus software protection. There are many types of threats on the Internet and users who are not prepared will soon run into many problems. These threats not only affect your browsing experience, but also the health of your computer. Viruses and malware can seriously affect the health of your computer until it becomes practically inoperable and you cannot do anything on that computer. As mentioned above, all computers need protection. The situation is even more delicate in educational settings where one institution is responsible for many computers. Threats affect not only the computers that are under the care of teachers and supervisors, but also the personal computers of students. It is up to the staff of that institution to make sure that everything that students are exposed to is safe. To do this, schools and educational institutions try to find deals and offers from third-party antivirus vendors to protect all c


At present, opening the browser and clicking on a link on the web is as natural as blinking, such is the penetration of the Internet and its culture within our daily customs. In itself this has nothing wrong, but nevertheless raises certain problems about our security when browsing. From now on we will know some tips that will prevent clicking on a link from becoming a real problem. Although we surely have at our disposal an excellent antivirus and firewall security structure to stop any threat that comes from the Internet, the problem posed by malicious links is very difficult to stop or try to avoid, since we are the ones who click on the same, guided by the promise of a free download, a humorous video or anything else that may catch our attention, including the false buttons that try to imitate the "Likes" so fashionable on the Internet thanks to the spread of Facebook and other social networks. The threat of malicious links is too widespread, and it is a scourge that few


Despite the excellent software tools that currently exist to anticipate the damage viruses or malware can cause in our PC, which mostly prevent infection, the truth is that we are never exempt from our computer is attacked by some malicious code, which inadvertently has broken into system. As we all know, the truth is that as with people, a virus that manages to infect the software that is installed on our computer causes it to not work properly,   generating various inconveniences, which in some cases can even be irreparable, since we may be exposing sensitive information, or even losing valuable data and files. Is My PC Infected With A Virus? For this reason, it is essential to protect our computer from these possible attacks, and to achieve this the first thing we must do is understand exactly what a virus or malware is, and what damage they can cause, since we take into account that in some Sometimes the effects of viruses are so subtle that we are not even immediately aware of


In today’s world where everything is made online from classes to shopping, children are more attractive towards the internet, but “Is it safe for them?” So, here we are going to discuss Few risks associated with children on internet Bullying On the Internet, cyberbullying (or cyberbullying) takes various forms and is different from the face-to-face bullying that can be observed within schools. The Cyberbullying includes, among others, send messages of hate or threaten peers, spreading lies or make nasty comments intended to humiliate. The main difference between this type of harassment and the “traditional” one is the distance between aggressors and victims, something that causes the usual inhibition mechanisms to not work. Anonymity that the Internet allows attackers and freedom of having no adults around, are factors that the cyberbullying is considered by many experts as the greatest risk to children online. Exposure to Inappropriate Material Today, it is possible to find


Nobody wants their computer to be infected with malware; however, even the most careful and experienced users make mistakes. Spear phishing and social engineering attacks have become so sophisticated that hackers are now very adept at sneaking into security checkpoints. Malware may (and will) harm your computer; however, you can minimize this damage if you detect the threat early and remove it from the PC.   Check for Infection You first suspect that the computer is infected for some reason. For example, perhaps it became slow or numerous pop-ups started to appear. Be that as it may, you know something is not right. Microsoft offers several free tools to check if the PC is infected. Threat Removal If the malware present on the PC cannot be removed with any of Microsoft's tools, you can delete the files manually. Before starting the process, make sure your antivirus (if you have one) and your on-demand malware scan tools are up to date. To remove a virus from your PC, you


In this article I will explain what WannaCry malware is (in Spanish "I want to cry"), why it is dangerous, how to protect yourself and how to fix it if we get infected. What Is the Wanna Cry Virus? WannaCry is a massive computer virus type 'ransomware' (which encrypts computers) that is infecting computers and internal networks of large companies in the world. The virus affects Microsoft's Windows system and has infected computers in more than 150 countries that did not have the latest updates installed. The Wanna Cry virus restricts access to your system and demands a ransom of $ 300 in bitcoins be paid to its owners to remove the restriction. The computer attack has already gone down in history as one of the most aggressive and, at this point, affected computers have been reported in more than 100 countries. The electronic means of payment (bitcoin) has been selected as the means of payment since it allows the anonymity of the person receiving the money to b


The use of shields in computer systems has been used since IBM suffered the Creeper attack in 1972. To try to stop this, Reaper was developed in 1973. This is not an antivirus like those of today, since they have evolved a lot. Despite their useful feature, many users choose not to pay for them and get pirated versions. So Genuine or Pirated Antivirus, which is better? Original or Pirated Antivirus. What Is The Difference? As is well observed today, a large percentage of users choose not to pay for the services that an antivirus offers them. The reason is obvious, why pay for something that you can get for free? Actually, we will see that it is not so obvious. Perhaps, the differences between acquiring an original or pirated antivirus are not many. However, they can determine the security status of your device. Next, we show which the main inequalities between the two are and why we recommend one over the other. Original Antivirus, What Does It Offer Us? The first thing to know


For those of you who don't know, Microsoft Security Essentials was antivirus software bundled by Microsoft with Windows from 2009 until it was replaced by Microsoft Windows Defender Security Center. With this software, Microsoft made sure that customers had some form of protection from the moment they started their computer for the first time. It costs users nothing and does not force them to take any action. When Microsoft's security offering first came under the microscope, it didn't impress. But it got better over time, so much so that it began to score higher in independent lab tests. Now, Defender hasn't totally stolen the attention of the world. You could attribute that to decades of name recognition for competitors, but also, testing has revealed some notable shortcomings in Windows Defender. We found that the SmartScreen filter in Edge blocked only 68 percent of phishing sites, for instance. That's particularly bad compared to the 89 and 90 percent blocked


Above all protection. We repeat it for the umpteenth time: “Never click on the links that accompany some emails and that we do not know where they lead”. It is one of the pests that currently affects computers and mobile devices. The infected computers lose most of the data since, if not all of them are the majority, the files are encrypted. From there, a message appears inviting you to pay a ransom in order to return everything to its previous state. This message is not valid, since it is materially impossible to undo what the cybercriminals have done. The only solution left is to format the computer and install all the applications again. It is clear that documents, images, videos, and other personal files will be lost. To combat ransomware we propose some suggestions, focused on taking measures and, also, on the installation of some other protective tool. These are our few recommendations: Protect your computer against possible Ransomware attacks Many of the criminals who ac


The existence of computer viruses is no longer nothing new. Some collect information illegally and others corrupt files and programs. In the most extreme cases, they directly destroy computers, affecting the hard drive and rendering it completely unusable. Therefore, it is very important to know how to detect computer viruses and eliminate them completely. In this blog we are going to explain everything you need to know about it. Computer Virus Detection Detecting computer viruses early can be crucial to keeping programs, information, and even computers safe. At the first symptom, take measures so that the virus does not cause the total loss of valuable information and render your computer unusable. Some of the key clues that can help you know how to detect computer viruses are: Speed: Computers lose speed over time, components age and deteriorate. However, the useful life of a computer or electronic device is more likely to end due to becoming obsolete than due to malfunction. If

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