
Showing posts with the label ransomware


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


Above all protection. We repeat it for the umpteenth time: “Never click on the links that accompany some emails and that we do not know where they lead”. It is one of the pests that currently affects computers and mobile devices. The infected computers lose most of the data since, if not all of them are the majority, the files are encrypted. From there, a message appears inviting you to pay a ransom in order to return everything to its previous state. This message is not valid, since it is materially impossible to undo what the cybercriminals have done. The only solution left is to format the computer and install all the applications again. It is clear that documents, images, videos, and other personal files will be lost. To combat ransomware we propose some suggestions, focused on taking measures and, also, on the installation of some other protective tool. These are our few recommendations: Protect your computer against possible Ransomware attacks Many of the criminals who ac


Advances in information technology have brought countless advantages and facilities to everyday life. Its consolidation has promoted productivity and efficiency in production processes and has contributed fundamentally to the advancement of science in areas as important to human beings as medicine and communications. In financial matters, technologies have promoted facilities in the use of transactional channels along with benefits in costs and access, as well as contributing to the achievement of financial inclusion and education. However, the digitization of information has brought with it significant risks in terms of computer security. The infrastructure on which the data is supported and the technological functionalities carry security threats due to their inherent vulnerabilities. Computer attacks have advantages over "physical" fraud or common scams because anonymity is facilitated, helping to generate economies of scale in the attacks, in addition to the fact that the


Having an antivirus in Windows is not only recommended but is almost essential, although Windows Defender can suffice in many situations. However, total protection does not exist, as the newly discovered ransomware demonstrates, with the potential to uninstall the antivirus and thus leave the way to act. This new type of ransomware is still in development, because as security experts have been able to verify for Bleeping Computer, it does not achieve its objective. It cannot uninstall the antivirus -not all, of course- or encrypt the files. It also lacks instructions to pay the ransom, although in its sector it can be described as promising. The danger of this malware is not the damage it can do, but what could happen if it creates school and becomes a model for the next generation of computer hijackings. That the next versions of ransomware can uninstall the antivirus before encrypting the files on your PC is not at all reassuring. In addition to being ransomware, it could also


The world is experiencing new forms of intrusion, obtaining easy money is directed to the digital sphere that is why some call it cyber-extortion and others, cyberterrorism. Likewise, what variants of the virus are born with a single purpose: to grow profits through some payment as a reward, through cryptocurrencies, and with the promise of returning the information, of what companies treasure the most. The most notorious cases are WannaCry, Petya (mainly in Ukraine) or EthernalRock, due to their impact on companies' teams and they became the main threats. The damages were irreparable, substantial and of great magnitude for hospitals, banks, train stations and universities. However, the issue has been talked about with the reappearance of Cryptolocker in 2013, which is a kind of first cousin of ransomware and even further back, in 2010, the police virus, was also a type of intruding worm. That is to say, the subject has been talking about, however, what varies are the consequ


Ransomware has become one of the most important threats that we can find on the Internet. As we know, it is a type of malware that aims to encrypt our files and systems and later ask for a ransom in return. It really affects both the private users and the private companies. With the passage of time, hackers have also perfected their techniques. In this article, we are going to talk about Thanos, who has become the first ransomware to use the RIPlace technique to avoid detection. Thanos, the first ransomware to use the RIPlace technique It is true that we have more tools and techniques and better quality antivirus to protect ourselves. Systems are better prepared to detect threats like ransomware. The problem is that cybercriminals have also perfected their techniques. They improve the way in which they spread the threat and especially in how they avoid being detected. Thanos is one of the many ransomware that are unfortunately on the network and that compromise the security

MALWARE: What is it, Its Type and How to avoid them

We are going to explain what exactly malware is, a type of threat that has quite a few types, from computer viruses to ransomware. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing to find you so many names to talk about the different types of malware, and we end up not knowing the differences well. In this article, we are going to try to explain everything to you. We will start by explaining what exactly malware is, and we will continue with a short list summarizing the different types of malware that you can find on the network. Later, we will give you several tips to avoid it, both knowing how they tend to spread and with other extra tips. What is malware? The word malware comes from English, and it is the result of the union of the words malicious software or malicious software. Therefore, it is a type of software or application that aims to harm the device in which it has been managed to host, install or infiltrate, be it a computer, a mobile phone or any other device. There are many type

Ransomware & it's type

WHAT IS RANSOMWARE AND HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IT Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks and makes you stop being able to use your computer, and asks you for a reward in exchange for the promise that many times is not kept to give you back control. It is a type of threat that you will see periodically reappear in the media due to attacks on large companies, but as it can also affect users, we are going to explain what exactly Ransomware is so that you can be vigilant and prevent it from affecting you. For this second, we are also going to give you tips to learn how to protect yourself from it, both with precautionary measures with which to try to avoid being infected and with a series of tips to minimize the damage in the event that it ends up affecting you. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that is known as malicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer or information system without the consent of its owner. Malware can take sever

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