
Showing posts with the label totalsecurity


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


The Internet security is threatened by all kinds of malware, data theft or invasion of privacy. The era of mobility, home automation, the smart car or the Internet of Things, have greatly increased connected devices, the way of hosting information and the way to access online services and applications of all kinds with which we connect to hundreds of millions of users daily, increasing security risks for consumers and businesses.   The rise of phenomena such as BYOD, despite its many advantages, is a challenge for IT departments as the number of devices that connect to corporate networks and have access to corporate data multiply. Furthermore, the increase in teleworking and tele-study due to the coronavirus pandemic has complicated the cybersecurity situation by taking millions of computers out of business perimeter networks (generally better protected than home networks). And what to tell you about the malware. The "bad guys" are ahead of all protection systems and cybe


The Internet security is an issue that should concern us much at all. It does not matter if you are a large company, an SME or an individual, on the Internet we are all exposed to risks, each day greater, risks from which we must protect ourselves. Have you ever refused to buy online because you did not trust that website 100%? Do you have important files of your company in the cloud? Worried about the pages your young child can access? If you've got answered 'Yes' to any of those questions you're within the right place to know about total security on Internet. How to Improve Your Cybersecurity? There are 4,000 million Internet users within the world, although most of them are probably unaware of threats like ransomware, phishing or cyberbullying, among others. And if you don't know about a threat, how can you be prepared to fight it? Here are some tips to improve your Internet security: 1. Keep both the operating system and your mobile apps updated with so


Formjacking is a new invisible threat in cyberspace today. The term “Formjacking” is a combination of “online/website form” and “hijacking”. This term brings about the digital version of the well-known skimming by cybercriminals. Like it sounds, this kind of threat involves a cybercriminal taking over forms on websites by exploiting their security weaknesses. Cybercriminals use lines of malicious JavaScript code on the checkout page forms of ecommerce websites to steal client payment information such as credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, social security numbers among other important/private data. The major aim of formjacking is to reap the maximum amount valuable data as possible that website clients submit via ecommerce forms. How Does This Occur? There are many formjacking vectors that cybercriminals will use to launch attacks to get access to any information that they want, as noted below; Fraudsters prepare card slots at ATMs with their own card reader. The pin cod


Today's companies must face situations unimaginable years ago, such as cyber threats. In this sense, development and investment in cybersecurity becomes even more important. There are various types of cyberattacks that are evolving and improving on a daily basis. Therefore, there is no other option but to be prepared and respond in the most effective way: using research and technological advances. But to be able to face these threats, it is essential to know them thoroughly and know how to differentiate them. What Are Hackers Looking For? Before analyzing the different types of cyberattacks, the figure of the hacker must be well understood. Hackers are people with great computer skills that they can use in very different ways. On the one hand, they can be used to improve Internet security for companies and institutions and, on the other, to damage and manipulate computer equipment. The goals of 'bad' hackers or hackers are varied. They may even have political or milit


There is a global increase in cyberattacks against educational and research institutions, after conducting an analysis on institutions in different areas of the United States, Europe and Asia. The US has the largest increase in education-related attacks. Between July and August 2020, the average number of weekly attacks on its educational infrastructures increased by 30% (threats directed against the rest of the sectors increased "only" by 6.5%), going from 468 cyberattacks to 608, compared to the previous two months. On the other hand, Europe registered a 24% increase in weekly attacks in July and August, from 638 to 793, while the rate of cyberattacks directed against the rest of the sectors in Europe increased by 9%. For its part, in Asia, between July and August 2020, cyberattacks increased by 21%, from 1,322 to 1,598, compared to the previous two months. The rate for the rest of the sectors increased by 3.5%. The primary method of attack against the US education sy


It is possible that if you have come this far you are having problems with your browser, and it is redirecting you to pages that you do not want. This happens when malicious code like takes over your browser. At that point it will start displaying sponsored search results to redirect its victims to these pages. And furthermore, you will see that your default search engine has changed and is now one called launchpage. If you are seeing that URL in any of your web browsers, then you are infected. If so, in this guide we show you everything you need to know about this malware and also the steps you should follow in order not to get infected again and to get rid of it in Windows. Not only to eliminate this annoyance, but because in the future it could generate other security problems, some of them serious. WHAT IS LAUNCHPAGE.ORG AND HOW DOES IT INFECT YOU? Well, the developers of this code present it as a reliable search engine to improve the browsing experience by sho


Ransomware has become one of the most important threats that we can find on the Internet. As we know, it is a type of malware that aims to encrypt our files and systems and later ask for a ransom in return. It really affects both the private users and the private companies. With the passage of time, hackers have also perfected their techniques. In this article, we are going to talk about Thanos, who has become the first ransomware to use the RIPlace technique to avoid detection. Thanos, the first ransomware to use the RIPlace technique It is true that we have more tools and techniques and better quality antivirus to protect ourselves. Systems are better prepared to detect threats like ransomware. The problem is that cybercriminals have also perfected their techniques. They improve the way in which they spread the threat and especially in how they avoid being detected. Thanos is one of the many ransomware that are unfortunately on the network and that compromise the security

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