An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


How to protect a PC with an Antivirus, Firewall, Anti Spyware and Anti-Spam

The world is full of many dangers that threaten our security every day. With that in mind, we shield you with these simple steps to protect your PC with Antivirus, Firewall, Anti Spyware and Anti-Spam. If you want to more stay with us and get yourself updated.


antivirus checking your PC

New viruses circulate on the network every day in the computing environment. People who try to steal passwords, programs that damage our files, that's why we have to protect ourselves. For this, Antivirus, Firewall, Anti Spyware and Anti-Spam have been created that serve as shields. How can we protect our PC using one of these systems? First of all, we want you to know that there are programs that directly protect us from these malicious programs.

How to protect my PC with an Antivirus: A powerful soldier

Our computer can be exposed to viruses, Trojans, worms, and other elements that can infiltrate with the purpose of doing a lot of damage. A good antivirus protects against these invaders avoiding serious diseases in our computer. We must follow some suggestions so that its operation is adequate.

For example, keep the antivirus protection active that works on the always-on PC. We may notice that the performance of the computer drops a bit when it is running, but we must still keep it active.

Another tip is to keep it updated. Antiviruses have an automatic update system, so we will not have to worry about doing it manually, although if we wish we can do it too.

Notifications of new updates will arrive whenever there is one and we must attend to them to be up to date with the protection.

Once a month, let's do a deep analysis of our system in order to eliminate those harmful elements that have been hidden in the system.

As a last suggestion, let's create an emergency startup disk. In this way, if we become infected with malware, this option will help us recover.

Protect my PC with the Firewall, our ally for internet connections

It is also known as a firewall and its job is to provide us with a security network that blocks and controls the connections that come and go from our computer.

To optimize its operation, we must first learn how they work and everything related to your system.

If you use Windows, you have a very good Firewall, but if you decide to use a third-party one, then we must deactivate the one that comes by default. Among its functions is to block some web pages that are suspicious.

You can temporarily disable it if you think they are safe and then reactivate it again. Firewall notifications must be read carefully and if we do not understand what they are about, we can search for information on the network.

With Anti Spyware that keeps spies away

This computer program is responsible for combating spyware, keyloggers, adware and other dangers that seek to infiltrate the PC as spies and steal information.

To put it to work optimally, we regularly update your database. We can order the PC to carry out this activity automatically.

We suggest you run it from time to time on the system as the antispyware program. We can also do that automatically.

One option that will allow you to save time is that you download, the downloads in a single folder. This way you will only analyze this folder, the Windows installation folder and the registry. If for any reason you realize that your problem is a virus, we want you to know that you can eliminate it without the need for programs or antivirus, you just have to watch this tutorial and do it in a minute.

Anti-Spam, the element to protect personal information

With this tool we will have our mail free of spam invasion, which ensures our PC protection and our personal files.

Once this option is activated in our mail, remember to regularly check the Spam folder. This is because sometimes the program could send emails that we wrongly expected to this location, considering them as garbage.

Protecting your PC with an Antivirus, Firewall, Anti Spyware and Anti-Spam is an important task that we must keep up to date, do not forget that knowing how to prevent viruses from entering your pc or device such as Trojans, is the best way to avoid being affected. We hope that what we have shown you will help protect you and keep you safe against any computer threat. Remember to share this information that is very valuable with your friends.



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