An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


What is a computer virus?

Viruses are computer programs that aim to alter the functioning of the computer, without the user noticing. These generally infect other system files with the intention of modifying them to intentionally destroy files or data stored on your computer. Although not all are so harmful. There are some a little more harmless that are characterized only by being annoying.

What do computer viruses do?

After entering the execution phase and releasing its payload, a computer virus initiates the attack, so it will begin to suffer negative effects on your device. As viruses hijack your code and system resources to replicate, you may also experience problems during this phase. Be on the lookout for the following effects:

·       Performance read

·       Damaged or missing files

·       Incessant pop-ups

·       Constant hard drive activity

·       Crashes or crashes of programs and the operating system

·       Strange things happen, such as applications that open themselves or new files that appear randomly

Aside from causing these performance problems, viruses can also steal confidential information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers. Some viruses can send messages to all your contacts to try to trick them into infecting them as well, which is another method of spread.

device affected by virus

Security measures to avoid viruses:

* Make periodic backup copies of our data.
* Avoid downloading files from unknown places.
* Do not accept non-original or pre-installed software without the original support.
* Protect the disks against writing, especially those of system.
* Analyze all the new disks that we introduce into our system with an antivirus, even empty disks (as they may contain viruses in their boot sector).
* Periodically analyze the hard disk, to prevent a virus from loading into memory prior to the analysis.
* Update the patterns of the antivirus programs every one or two months, some packages do it automatically.
* Try to receive the programs we need from the Internet from official sites.
* Take special care with the files that may be included in our email, do not open files from unknown users.

How to remove a virus:

First step: PC diagnosis.

If you suspect or are completely sure that a virus has been hosted on your PC, because you have noticed some symptoms in it, such as:

- Continuously restarts

- The operating system takes a long time to start

- If the hard drive reports failure

- Unknown extensions appear

The first step after detecting the virus is to check the antivirus that you currently have installed on your PC, if you do not have it, it is recommended to install one (it is better to only have one good antivirus installed since having more than one could cause conflicts on your PC).

Second step: Remove Virus.

The second step to eliminate the virus is to deactivate the system restorer, so there are some viruses that are capable of being restored immediately after each restart of the PC, for this they must right click on the properties of MY PC and check the box of disable system restore or disable system restore on all drives. After having followed the previous steps, the PC must be restarted, but now in safe mode (Pressing the upper key F8 at the moment that the operating system is raising) after this we must pass the antivirus.

Third step: Verifying the elimination of the virus.

If you carried out all the previous steps and your PC no longer shows any symptoms that it is still infected, from now on it is best to run the antivirus on your PC daily to reduce the risk of another virus infecting your PC.

So, to keep our device safe and our information personal, we all should have a good antivirus in our device to keep it protected.


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