
Showing posts from December, 2020


An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


“Is it really necessary to check your antivirus?” This question will have different answers based on individual experience. It usually generates long discussions about the performance of the team, the usability of the security solutions, the privacy of the user and a number of other topics that often extend the conversation. I already know that when working in a security companies you will be thinking that my answer is going to be strongly biased towards yes, which is totally true. However, as a security professional who has been working on these issues for several years, I have learned a lot about threats and their ways of spreading. Therefore, I am going to list seven facts that will help you form an idea about what to do. 1. Diversity of Threats Today there are many types of threats that we find spreading and affecting users. Although the term " antivirus " was coined within the collective subconscious, this type of tools have evolved from detecting only computer v


One of the factors most valued by users when browsing the Internet is privacy. As we know our data and personal information have great value on the net. There are many methods they can use to spy on us, collect data and ultimately put our privacy at risk. One of the ways that exist is through fraudulent and maliciously configured programs. In this article we will explain how to protect ourselves from spyware that can steal our data and affect privacy. The great value of data on the network and the importance of privacy Our data on the Internet is of great value for marketing companies and for sending targeted advertising. They look for a way to spy on us, to obtain information about our tastes, where we live, what we visit. All this with the aim of being able to offer us products more oriented to what we can really look for. This makes our information on the net very valuable. We have seen many cases of platforms, social networks and online services that look for a way to obtain


When we surf the Internet, we can find a huge number of latent threats that can put the security of our computers and our personal data at risk. The Malware is one of these threats, as well as programs known as Adware. In this article, we will see what adware is and how to remove it from our computers. Adware The Adware are small programs that, once installed on your PC, run automatically to display the screen of the computer a specific amount of advertising often unsolicited by the user. Advertisements are downloaded directly from the Internet to your computer, and in general, they are harmless programs although quite annoying. The name “Adware” comes from the English word Advertisement, which translates something like advertisements, its first two letters Ad are used in the name given to this type of program. Despite being generally harmless programs, they have their dark side. This type of application can collect personal information from users of a computer, by executing


  Whether it is Windows Defender, or any other third-party antivirus, such as Kaspersky, Protegent360 or Bitdefender, this type of security software is essential when connecting to the Internet. Thanks to the antivirus we can be protected against threats that are hidden in the network. When we install an AV in our computer, it begins to protect our PC and, in addition, it is responsible for updating itself automatically several times a day. If everything goes well, we do not have to touch the antivirus again, we will always be protected. However, as time goes by, a question may arise: Is It Really Protecting Our PC? One of the ways in which we can check if our antivirus is really protecting us as it should be would be by really putting ourselves in danger. And the truth, this is better avoided. For what it could happen. Luckily, there are ways to check if our antivirus is working correctly, and in addition to knowing how we should act when it detects a threat, without taking risk.


When we browse the Internet and share information through a portable device such as a memory card, we  know that we are exposed to some malicious files such as viruses or in the case of the Internet, downloading any type of content that may affect the operation of the computer, In some cases, we allow our personal information to be exposed and for this we must know what measures are really useful and effective. We all know keeping our information is so safe so using a software that gives us total security is the most important thing we need. A summary was recently shared about practices that are not truly effective or situations that the user might think are not risky. Here we share 6 myths about computer security: Myth 1: Shopping On the Internet. Belief: If I don't buy products or contract services on the Internet, I cannot become another victim of cybercrime. Reality: Even people who do not shop or bank on the Internet can be affected by cybercrime. A single visit t


It is very common for a virus to attack our computer and normally, it is something that is usually solved without major problem. But what if this virus means a loss of information from your customers and you don't know where that data goes? In that case, you will have suffered a security breach that, since the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) came into force, it is mandatory to notify both the interested parties and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). In this post we are going to explain what exactly security breaches are and how they should be managed. What is a security breach? According to the AEPD itself, a security breach is "a security incident that affects personal data ", regardless of whether it is the consequence of an accident or of an intentional action and whether it affects digital data or data paper. Furthermore, these security breaches cause the "destruction, loss, alteration, communication or unauthorized access of personal data.&


We have all been spending more time online. Whether it's ordering food for delivery, streaming live concerts, hosting virtual parties, or participating in a little retail therapy, digital interactions are on the rise. This means that we also share more personal and financial information online, with each other, and with the organizations we interact with. Unfortunately, as always, there are bad guys in every digital corner looking for a piece of the action. Social networks are fantastic tools to speak, inform and celebrate, but you want to skills they add a basic way in terms of security so as to guide the youngest towards a responsible and safe use. Although a prior it may seem like a medium intended simply for entertainment or the absorption of information, it is precisely through another of its facets, such as interaction with other users, where the greatest and main danger is hidden. The main problems which will occur online related to the utilization of social networks,


The Internet offers all users a large number of advantages and facilities, however, it also hides a large number of dangers of which we must be aware. Malicious users, also called hackers, generally develop complex malicious software tools called malware that seek to harm users through data loss, information theft, remote control, and other techniques that could gain some benefit from infected systems. In this article we are getting to explain the most sorts of malware that exist also as a series of tips to avoid being infected by them. Different types of malware Virus Viruses are the oldest malware out there. These pieces of software specialize in replacing a part of the ASCII text file of the system executables in order that within the most aggressive cases the files are completely destroyed and in the less aggressive they are simply a nuisance for users (displaying error messages or generating load processor and useless traffic, for instance ). Unlike worms, viruses don


As a result of the great impact that information technologies have had in daily life, in the workplace or for entertainment and added to the enormous advantages they offer us, these tools have become more than indispensable for a large number of people, which grows every second. Few people or institutions currently do not have an e-mail address, and it is no wonder, since e-mail is one of the most popular and useful services offered to us in the wide world of the Internet. Thanks to this service we can communicate with anyone around the world, share all kinds of information and avoid the various inconveniences of ordinary mail and all practically free of charge. But, if there are millions of people making legitimate use of a service, then there must also be a way to take advantage of it for illegitimate purposes, and that is what has happened with email, where there are a large number of hidden threats, which are they have increased due, among other things, to the fact that people


Hacker: Just hear the word to think almost immediately of something bad, dangerous and illegal. The associations that our mind makes in these cases are usually due to the way in which the word is commonly used in the media, that is, linked to cybercrimes, attacks on systems and the breach of information. However, not all hackers are bad. To understand it, we have to analyze why they act and how they do it. Brief History of the Word Hacker In the 1950s, when used in the context of technology, the term hacker had a rather ambiguous meaning. It was used to identify both tech geeks and people who solved problems differently and creatively, and were actually trusted. At that time, it also acquired the negative connotation from which the idea that we have today derives, in part. In the 1980s, the word was used to identify a group of young people who managed to infiltrate government computer systems. They called themselves hackers and as the word was perceived aggressively, the media adop

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