An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


When someone mentions worms, they probably think of squirming creatures that children play with and adults use as bait for fishing. Like it or not, worms are totally harmless, unless they are computer worms. They may not harm you as virus do but they are dangerous too.

Summary: A computer worm is a piece of software that copies itself from one computer to another. Unlike the virus, it is a standalone program that does not need a host. It does not normally attack files on a single computer. Instead, it spans entire networks and tries to create large botnets. Read on to learn more about computer worms.

The definition: What is a computer worm?

A computer worm is a malicious component that reproduces itself from one computer to another, in order to take over the entire computer network. Most worms are there for weakening of the computer system. They also take all your useful and important information.

Computer worm

If the worm is malicious and is not only used to breach system security, the code designed to carry out the attack is called payload. Payloads are typically created to change or delete files from the attacked network, extract or encrypt personal information, and demand ransom from the victim.

Viruses attack individual computers by definition, while worms target computer networks to create botnets. On the other hand, while viruses are housed in legitimate files or programs, computer worms are independent and do not need a host file.

What types of computer worms are there?

No statistics is available but it is said that there are more than million worms present in the world. Many are isolated and scanned by best antivirus. However, new worms develop almost daily and can sometimes go unnoticed by the user until it is too late.

There is no classification of computer worms, but they can be organized into types based on how they spread between computers. The five most common types are:

Internet worms

As they do with computer networks, computer worms also attack popular web pages that are insufficiently secure. They manage to infect those who are trying to open that page. From there, the computer worms spread to other computers connected via the internet and local area connections.

Email Worms

The most common way to distribute email worms is through dangerous email attachments. When you click on any infected attachment it's saved and send to your contact list.

An email doesn't have to have downloadable content to spread a computer worm. Instead, the body of the message can contain a shortened link, so that the receiver cannot determine what it is about if they do not click on it. When they click the link they are taken to infected website and some infected files gets downloaded automatically

Instant Messaging Worms

Instant messaging worms are exactly the same as email worms, the only difference being the way they spread. Again, they are hidden in the form of attachments or links to web pages. They are often accompanied by short "LOL" or "You have to see this!" to make them open the mail.

When the user clicks the link or the attachment, whether in Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype or any other popular messaging application, the exact same message will be sent to their contacts. If the worm has not replicated on their computer, users can solve this problem with a password change.

File Sharing Worms

Even though it is illegal, sharing and transferring files between users is still in use by millions of people around the world. By doing this, you are making your computer closer to threat.

When the victim opens the downloaded file to view or listen to it, they will download the worm onto their computer. Even if the user appears to have downloaded an actual playable media file, the malicious executable file could be hidden in the folder and could be installed discreetly when the media file was first opened.

How to eliminate a computer worm?

The best antivirus can help you in detecting and removing computer worm. If you suspect that your computer has been infected, it is important to scan and remove dangerous files from your system immediately. 

Since worms exploit weaknesses in your system and software, you must ensure that you are using the most current versions of applications. Activate the automatic updates option for your operating system to make sure your computer is protected against worms and other potential threats. Do not click on any links or open any attachments, unless you are absolutely sure that they were sent by your friends and not by a worm.

Finally, to be sure that your computer has online security, you need to invest in the best antivirus software. The most suitable option will provide real-time protection for your computer and will defend against all threats, including worms, viruses, harmful programs, spyware (spyware) and computer hijackers (ransomware).



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