An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


Despite the excellent software tools that currently exist to anticipate the damage viruses or malware can cause in our PC, which mostly prevent infection, the truth is that we are never exempt from our computer is attacked by some malicious code, which inadvertently has broken into system.

Check if your device is infected by virus
As we all know, the truth is that as with people, a virus that manages to infect the software that is installed on our computer causes it to not work properly,  generating various inconveniences, which in some cases can even be irreparable, since we may be exposing sensitive information, or even losing valuable data and files.

Is My PC Infected With A Virus?

For this reason, it is essential to protect our computer from these possible attacks, and to achieve this the first thing we must do is understand exactly what a virus or malware is, and what damage they can cause, since we take into account that in some Sometimes the effects of viruses are so subtle that we are not even immediately aware of their presence.

We must also bear in mind that if we conclude that our PC has been infected by a virus, we must not panic, although of course we must deal with the matter quickly, for which it is not necessary to call a computer expert, but rather Many times they are inconveniences that we can solve on our own, for which in principle we must determine if our computer really has a virus.

We know that nowadays there are several ways for a computer to be infected by a virus or malware, but the important thing here is to carry out a careful evaluation process, which will allow us to carry out a true diagnosis.  To do this, we must assess whether our computer has ever had any of the following symptoms:

·       Appearance on the screen of strange information and unknown images.

·       Opening and closing the tray of the CD and DVD reader without any reason.

·       Automatic execution of some programs.

·       Some program that tries to access the Internet without our authorization.

·       Some friends or contacts who tell us they received a message from us when we never sent them an e-mail.

·       Appearance of a large number of “No Subject” or sender emails in our email inbox.

·       We frequently notice that the operating system crashes.

·       Sometimes we cannot start the computer, that is, the operating system does not start.

·       Programs become much slower in their normal processes.

·       The partial or total loss of files and folders occurs, or we notice that on some occasions the contents are modified without our authorization.

·       We noticed that some software is frequently trying to access the hard drive, which we can check by observing how brightly and quickly the LED indicator on the enclosure flashes that shows the disk activity.

·       Inability to run Internet Explorer.

·       Internet Explorer opens automatically, without our permission, and displays random pages.

If we notice any of these symptoms on our computer, then we must bear in mind that the most likely cause of it is that a virus or malware has infected our PC, for which we must resort to carrying out a series of procedures, for which we must install antivirus software that will help us to reverse this situation and fight against these virus and protect our device from viruses.

How to Know If the Computer Has a Virus

If you ask yourself the following questions and your answer is "Yes" to even one of them, you have a good chance that the computer has a virus.

Is the computer very slow?

A common symptom of a virus is making the computer speed slower than normal. However, there may be other reasons for poor performance, such as a hard drive that needs to be fragmented, a computer that needs more memory (RAM), or spyware or adware.

Do unexpected messages pop up, or do programs start automatically?

Some viruses can damage Windows or some programs. The results of such corruption can include unexpectedly displayed messages, programs started or closed automatically, or the sudden shutdown of Windows.

Is the modem or hard drive working harder than necessary?

An e-mail virus works by sending many copies by e-mail. One indicator of that is the activity light on the broadband modem that is constantly on or flashing brightly all the time. Another indicator is the sound of the hard drive of the computer working continuously. These symptoms do not always represent the presence of a virus, but they can indicate a virus infection combined with other problems.

To check for viruses, scan the computer with an antivirus software. New viruses appear daily, therefore, it is important to keep your antivirus permanently updated.

Exact Symptoms That Show PC Has Virus

Is the computer no longer the same? Do you have different performance problems and strange messages appear? These, surely, are the signs of an infection from the infinite threats present when surfing the Internet.

In addition to an antivirus, it is necessary to have knowledge about the symptoms that malware causes on the computer to be able to identify problems and react more quickly, avoiding greater evils.

There are certain behaviors that computers that were infected with viruses usually have, these are:

The computer "talks"

There are various types of pop-ups, messages and communications that report infections and lack of protection. If this type of message appears it is because there must be spyware on the PC or it has been infected by a fake antivirus, also called “Rogueware”. Slowness

Slowness on a computer can be caused by many things, including a virus infection. Virtual threats such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malicious programs, perform tasks that consume many resources, causing the system to run slower than usual.

Applications do not start

When one or more applications do not respond or programs stop working, it is clear that something is not working correctly. There are certain malware that directly attack certain applications or programs, preventing them from executing correctly.

Internet does not connect or is slow

Loss of connection to the web is another common symptom of infection, although it also can be a drag with the server, modem, or router. When the connection slows down, chances are high that malware is connecting to a URL or opening separate connection sessions, reducing your available bandwidth, or making Internet use virtually impossible.

When there is an Internet connection, windows open or the browser opens unsolicited pages.

This is another very common sign of infection. Many threats are designed to redirect to certain websites against the user's will. These pages may be imitations of legal pages to try to deceive.


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