

An email bombing is an attack on your inbox that involves sending massive amounts of messages to it. Sometimes these messages are incomprehensible. But more often, they will be confirmation emails for newsletters and subscriptions. Thus, in the latter case, the attacker uses a script to search for forums and newsletters on the internet. Then they sign up for an account with your email address. Each will send you a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your address. Also, this process is repeated on as many unprotected sites as the script can find. The term Email Bombing or Email Bombing; it can also refer to flooding an email server with too many emails. In an attempt to overwhelm the server and disable it. But that's not the goal here; it would be a challenge to cut down on the modern email accounts used. Meanwhile, Google or Microsoft email servers, anyway. So instead of a denial of service (DOS) attack; against the email servers you are using. Also, the flood of messages


An antivirus program protects computers from harmful software. These can be Trojans, worms or spyware and other malware, for example. The antivirus software is able to detect, block and eliminate malware. Virus scanners, often also called malware scanners, can basically be divided into different types depending on their function.  THE DIVISION INTO THREE TYPES: ·          Real-time scanner ·          Manual scanner ·          Online scanner   a)   Real-time scanners : They are active in the background on a computer. They work as a system service under the Windows operating system. The antivirus software does its work in real time and constantly scans the programs that are running, the data traffic on the computer and the main memory. Whenever the computer accesses programs, memory or online data or saves and changes files, the antivirus program searches for suspicious data. If the signature of  malware is  recognized, the antivirus program blocks further access to the af


When we mention computer security , the virus is that the main threat. It can destroy one program or the whole computing system instead. Today there's a good sort of sorts of computer viruses. In fact, 57% of the threats that affect the safety of computers and systems are viruses. Types of computer viruses and their scope Today, the various sorts of computer viruses are still very widespread, affecting the performance of computers. Viruses also are hacker tools to realize unauthorized access to systems and steal sensitive information. Knowing the various sorts of computer viruses which will affect business systems is that the initiative in ensuring effective protection. Thus, the foremost common include the following: Resident virus: Resident viruses occupy RAM. They will interfere with normal system operation, causing file and program corruption. Multipartite virus: This sort of virus can easily spread on the PC system. It's very contagious and performs unauthorize


Some cyber threats are not easy to detect and remove. In fact, some are so sibylline that not even your cyber-protection software can detect them. If your computer suddenly runs very slow, if your RAM is always low, even with a single browser tab open, or if the Blue Screen of Death appears frequently, your PC may have been infected with an “invisible” threat. ", A rootkit. What is a rootkit? A rootkit is software used by hackers to take complete control over the target computer or network. Although sometimes it may be a single component of the software, it is more common for a rootkit to consist of a compendium of tools that allow the hacker remote access and administrator level access to the attacked computer. Although rootkits can be used for benign purposes (e.g. remote technical support), they are normally used for malicious purposes. They have a back door that allows hackers to make changes to the system. Despite being around for a quarter of a century, in one form o


ANTIVIRUS Today we are connected to the internet throughout the day and we totally depend on it for our communications. Messages, chats, searches, email inquiries, in some cases even phone calls. If just a few years ago we only had access from our homes, today it has spread to our smartphones or even to many public places (shopping centers, restaurants, outdoor areas). But, although the advantages offered by having internet access are infinite, we must also be aware that it can generate some problems, the main one being viruses, Trojans or spywares, among others. To prevent them from "sneaking" into our devices and causing us significant damage, today we are going to talk about why it is important to have an antivirus, not only on our computer, but on any device with which we surf the internet.   Why install an antivirus? A virus can get inside our device without our realizing it, since not only by avoiding "malicious" pages we are safe from them. They ca


Computer security, cyber security or information technology security is the area that has to do with the protection of the computer and / or telematics infrastructure and all the information contained in it. This area includes: any type of software such as databases or files, hardware, computer networks and anything that carries confidential information on a computer medium. Threats To achieve a secure and reliable information system, a series of standards, protocols, methods, rules and techniques are established. However, there are threats to be aware of: Users It is considered the cause of the greatest problem related to the security of a computer system. This is because their actions could cause serious consequences. Malicious programs Known as malware, they are intended to harm a computer when it installs or makes illicit use of data. They are usually a computer virus, Trojan horse, or spyware. Programming errors More than a danger, it is a bad development. But it


There are more and more people dedicated to violating websites, email accounts, accounts of different platforms such as Facebook and finally. The security that we must have in all our actions on the Internet must be considered vital so that our projects, accounts and especially our personal data are not affected. This time practical but very useful advice when it comes to safely browsing the Internet 10 GOLDEN RULES OF INTERNET SAFETY Remember that when browsing the web or using online services, security is essential to protect our data and avoid the theft of information or major problems. RULE 1: YOU NEED TO USE A VPN OR PROXY TO BROWSE ANONYMOUSLY If we do not want to leave our mark on the Internet, one of the safest ways is through a virtual private network or through a proxy server that acts as an intermediary in communication with the website we visit. RULE 2: DO NOT SHARE OUR BANK DETAILS Many computer attackers see the perfect loot in your bank details, so it is nec

Ransomware & it's type

WHAT IS RANSOMWARE AND HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IT Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks and makes you stop being able to use your computer, and asks you for a reward in exchange for the promise that many times is not kept to give you back control. It is a type of threat that you will see periodically reappear in the media due to attacks on large companies, but as it can also affect users, we are going to explain what exactly Ransomware is so that you can be vigilant and prevent it from affecting you. For this second, we are also going to give you tips to learn how to protect yourself from it, both with precautionary measures with which to try to avoid being infected and with a series of tips to minimize the damage in the event that it ends up affecting you. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of malware that is known as malicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer or information system without the consent of its owner. Malware can take sever

Online trackers: how they affect your privacy and what they know about you

Our data, our information on the web have great value today. There are many marketing companies that can find a way to collect information about our navigation. There are also many methods that hackers can use to obtain this data and be able to sell it to third parties. In this article we are going to talk about online trackers. We will explain how they affect our privacy and what they know about users. Privacy is a fundamental factor in the network Keep in mind that maintaining privacy when browsing the Internet is essential. We must always take care of our personal information if we do not want problems that could put our data at risk and, ultimately, also affect security. Luckily we have tools at our disposal that help us protect our systems . We can use programs that help our day to day and thus prevent possible intruders from entering our accounts or obtaining personal information. However, there are also many methods that you can use on the web to track us. We already kno


What is a computer virus? Viruses are computer programs that aim to alter the functioning of the computer, without the user noticing. These generally infect other system files with the intention of modifying them to intentionally destroy files or data stored on your computer. Although not all are so harmful. There are some a little more harmless that are characterized only by being annoying. What do computer viruses do? After entering the execution phase and releasing its payload, a computer virus initiates the attack, so it will begin to suffer negative effects on your device. As viruses hijack your code and system resources to replicate, you may also experience problems during this phase. Be on the lookout for the following effects: ·        Performance read ·        Damaged or missing files ·        Incessant pop-ups ·        Constant hard drive activity ·        Crashes or crashes of programs and the operating system ·        Strange things happen, such as applica

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